Massage services

Massage services by Cheri Ward at Alpenglow Aesthetics and Massage in Fairbanks Alaska


Alpenglow Ashiastu Massage

75 minutes $125 • 90 minutse $140

Known as the  "deepest and most luxurious massage on the planet."  This hybrid treatment combines the best elements of traditional massage and barefoot Shiatsu, the muscles are able to relax, the parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated, as well as the lymphatic system for a true full-body massage. This modality is known to improve posture, relieve chronic pain and release stress. If you are looking for deeper pressure on the back this is your service.

Sprucewood Swedish Massage

75 minutes $125 • 90 minutes $140

 Considered one of the most relaxing forms of massage, Swedish style is perfect for those receiving their first massage and wanting light pressure. The use of long kneading strokes will increase circulation, the movement of stagnant lymph fluid, and improve muscle tone all while achieving the maximum level of relaxation.

Chena River Signature Massage

90 minutes $140

My signature massage incorporates various modalities and techniques specific to you and your needs. such as acupressure points, hot towels, essential oils, and scalp massage. Deeper pressure on targeted areas and relaxing techniques or stretching in others. A perfectly integrated massage.

North Star Mother to be Pre-Natal Massage

90 minutes $140

Organic, nourishing oils, with gentle massage techniques, relax sore muscles while calming the mind. This maternity treatment eases tension on the back and legs while giving you an overall supportive experience.


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